Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Female Character

I've done quite a bit of work on the hands. Probably more work then I should with the hands but then again I didn't want to go back to it. I may have to change the arm guards too. They don't feel very sci-fi and I feel as if there is not much detail though simplicity works very effectively I feel as if I just drew a straight line on a piece of paper. The gloves and finger pieces I'm satisfied with though I could do a little extra with the glove.

The helmet is going to be a good challenge and I am looking forward to what the end result would look like. I'm sure Blizzard wouldn't mind me copying one of there concepts in 3D. Also that's another thing. I should probably point out where I got my references from.

This is my last week of Holiday T_T

Things to do:
-Arm piece again
-smooth leg plates?
-Torso need refining. maybe put some military like pockets
-Detailed blocking of the helmet and maybe smooth and detail
-Go to bed on time.

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