Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Female Character

I've done quite a bit of work on the hands. Probably more work then I should with the hands but then again I didn't want to go back to it. I may have to change the arm guards too. They don't feel very sci-fi and I feel as if there is not much detail though simplicity works very effectively I feel as if I just drew a straight line on a piece of paper. The gloves and finger pieces I'm satisfied with though I could do a little extra with the glove.

The helmet is going to be a good challenge and I am looking forward to what the end result would look like. I'm sure Blizzard wouldn't mind me copying one of there concepts in 3D. Also that's another thing. I should probably point out where I got my references from.

This is my last week of Holiday T_T

Things to do:
-Arm piece again
-smooth leg plates?
-Torso need refining. maybe put some military like pockets
-Detailed blocking of the helmet and maybe smooth and detail
-Go to bed on time.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Female Character

Finally did some leg plates that I'm happy with. All I need to worry about are the heels and the arms for the blocking :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Female Character

So I am pretty much just basic blocking all over the place. Using many different concepts to come up with a design. I am a bit lost as to what I should do for the breast and the backside. Dunno if I should just texture over it or put some pieces over the top.

Very concerned about the legs and feet right now even though I haven't done much of the arms. The head I'm not so worried about. I pretty much know what I want for the head. I want to ensure all the blocking is done correctly before smoothing it.

Right now all I can say is that I'm not impressed with what I've done so far. I believe I can make it look better.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Female Character

Did a bit of research for what kind of armour I want to put on her. I was thinking carbon fiber plating? I'm looking at some designs from starcraft ghost, skyrim (nightingale) and Planetside 2 vanu faction. Right now I am just basic blocking all over the place like when I first did with the aventador. Personally I am very glad I modelled her nude first because it allows me to maintain her proportions and seductiveness.

All females must maintain a seductive image. Though I'm not gonna be stupid and have her look like a slut. I want her to look like she is combat ready with the proper gear.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Female Character

Research. I at least want her looking a little more modest then the usual female characters who show of there body. though keeping in mind I understand that there must be a sense of seductiveness for the female.

I won't be copying the whole thing exactly because that would be too difficult to achieve. Just kinda looking up what shapes and patterns I want and the just letting my abstract mind do the rest.

Femle character (Blank canvas)

I seem to have hit a blank canvas again. This time it is not 3D space. It is a nude female body and I aim to give her sci-fi armour to fill in this blank canvas. It might not be sci-fi armour but maybe something abstract instead. Anyway doesn't really seem to matter because I'll be working on an abstract workflow for this stage. I'll just printscreens in paint and just scribble up a couple of random shapes in photoshop. Better leave my Intuospro on charge. So for now I'll leave my maya closed till I've figured out something.

It's only 4k quads! :)

List of Things I need to worry about...
-shape of backside?
-I have to do a photoreal render and I don't know how to.
-what kind of armour do I want? I'll figure this out myself.

Female Character

They look like Mario gloves though really I'm just figuring out the topology for the hands and then I can place the vertices in shape. If anything I'm just doing the basic blocking for the hands.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Female Character (hands)

Ok. so this is how I'll do the topology. Personally I find it funny how I'm using paint to figure out how to approach the topology. I'll just join these up.

female character

I feel like my brain has just had a hardcore session at the gym. Definitely looking more Asain now. Many thanks to my friend Jake Lane for instructing me all over the place :)

There was also allot more tweeking done around the body simple to add in more weight and to place the creases appropriately.

female character

Tweaking. It never ends...  Looks like she has a little life now. I feel like I'm getting a little too personal when moving in close to make a few changes.

had a little trouble with the backside untill it's topology around. it's only 3.6k faces which is what I'm proud of :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Female Character

Female character. Her name is Veela and I plan to put clothes on her after I've finished modelling her legs. 
Goal is to do a photo real image of sci-fi chick armour or fantasy human ranger. Doing pointy ears I feel as if I would have to change the topology.