Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Steam train

can't stop detailing around the front end of the train. I probably should consider detailing the back area too. I just keep on adding piece by piece and I don't know when I'll ever get to texturing. I suppose thats what makes hardsurface vehicles so easy. I think I may have to consider starting to unwrap but then again I don't want to have to unwrap every object. T_T

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Steam Train

I've started smoothing piece by piece. adding detail where necessary. Like I don't wanna add in every piece and then have to go back through it all smoothing it so I'll just smooth it as I go along adding piece by piece. Not every piece is gonna be smoothed. it'll only depend on its scale or shape.

I have not combined or grouped my objects. Instead I've parented them under specific objects. I actually don't know if this is industry standard practice but I'm using this technique to help me isolate specific parts of the vehicle to easily navigate around certain parts. If I was to start rigging then I would unparent them and combine necessary objects.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Finished sculpting the feet. It's taken me quite some time to finish this seeing I'm also doing uni. I learnt that its one of the body pieces that is least worked on but regardless you still have to spend enough time on it to give it believability. It's one of those pieces where if you don't give it enough time then other people will be able to pick up on it calling it fake.

I personally feel that skin tapering really did the trick but the toes were really difficult to tackle. especially the toe nails.